Sunday, November 4, 2018


Once there were eight Hexagonians.  They wished they could fly. First, they built wings.  They were too heavy.  Then, they ran and jumped.  The wings were still too heavy.  Finally, a seagull came and offered to them to fly on his back.  They happily agreed.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Wizard

One day a giraffe named Laney got delivered to the Santa Barbara Zoo.  One day while Laney was eating she heard a strange noise.  It said, "Please I beg you do not eat me."  Then it said, "If you don't I will give magic powers."  Powers?  Laney was very interested. Then, she said, "Alright, if you promise not to run away."  Then she opened her mouth and what looked like a wizard came out.  Then the wizard said, "Wingaviam laviosa!!"  Then he ran away.